The Unpredictability that is Life

I often wonder what, if anything, there is to make out of such a small life. It’s so unpredictable our problems never end yet there is kindness and good in all of us. So why fret over a rainy day when you can use it as a harsh lesson not to do the things you might have done in the past. Why should one thing change the whole meaning of life? Have we ever thought that our problems might be solutions to larger problems that might have happened, maybe our hurdles are hints, or may I say pointers to the right direction?

I fear the unknown, I honestly do but that does not scare me away from life ,that does not confuse me, though all this might be a result of my apparent lack of value of my life but still our life is a plan, its work, it’s a journey, Life is beautiful and painful. Life is what it is. Just keep going and do what you got to do.


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